These three Swiss Single Family Offices invest in Real Estate

Single Family Offices Real Estate Switzerland

Most of the real estate professionals are aware of the importance of single family offices. However, many investors, estate agents, asset managers and project developers face the challenge of identifying those hidden investment vehicles. This is where we come in by identifying the most relevant single family offices in Europe and compiling them in a comprehensive database. You can easily download this as an Excel list and start addressing them directly. To give you an impression of the family offices included in the list, we would like to present three Swiss companies below.

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#1: Occident Group, Zug – focused on office and residential properties with long-term investment horizon

One special feature of Single Family Offices is their long-term investment focus. A company that conveys this perfectly is the Occident Group from Switzerland. The portfolio consists of office and residential properties in Vancouver, Vienna, Graz and others. Led by Patrizia Schützenhöfer, Occident invests sustainably and meaningfully. While the family’s entrepreneurial focus of the Schützenhöfer was on Eastern Europe, the German-speaking region is particularly interesting for the Family Office. This applies not only to real estate investments, but also to venture capital investments in young companies. If you are looking for a long-term investor that looks behind the surface, Occident Group might be the perfect partner.

#2: COFRA Holding, Zug – real estate investments and asset management by Brenninkmeijer‎ family through Redevco

COFRA Holding is one the largest and most important Single Family Offices in Switzerland. Led by the Brenninkmeijer family, COFRA Holding comprises several high-calibre investment companies. When it comes to real estate, Redevco is the relevant investment arm. The value of the portfolio is EUR 7.5bn and Redevco has 306 assets under management. The real estate company is active in twelve markets across Europe and focuses on the development of city centres and high streets. Redevco does not only acquire properties, but also manages and develops them.

#3: Genico Family Office, Zug – family-led property investor in Switzerland and England (Silvertown project in London)

The third single family office of our list is also located in Zug. Genico Family Office is the investment vehicle of Andrea and Andreas Georgiadis and focuses on private equity as well as on real estate investments. In contrast to the other listed family offices, Genico’s investment volume in the real estate sector is significantly lower. The company invests primarily in residential properties in the canton of Zug. In addition, Genico holds a stake in the large-scale Silvertown real estate project in London. Thanks to a high occupancy rate, the real estate investments ensure recurring income in attractive markets. As a relatively small family office, the Genico Family Office might be a valuable partner for co-investors, real estate developers, brokers and many more.

Picture source: Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum

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Last Updated on October 6, 2021

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