Belgian Baert Single Family Office Invests in MobieTrain’s €4M Funding Round

Belgian Baert Single Family Office Invests in MobieTrain's €4M Funding Round

MobieTrain is a Genk-based, Belgian startup that offers a B2B microlearning platform. Now, the company has received a €4M investment. Amongst the investors is the Belgian single family office of the Baert family.

MobieTrain: Microlearning for customer-centric companies

The Belgian startup offers a “Mobile Microlearning Platform”. Thereby, companies can educate and motivate their employees with “bite-sized” training content. The approach implements gamification elements and is already used by major brands like Decathlon, Vans or the City of Rotterdam. According to MobieTrain, through microlearning there is a 50% higher retention rate, 31% increased productivity and a 4x higher engagement. Companies can create learning paths (for instance to educate their employees about specific products) and integrate the app-based solutions with other exsting platforms like SAP SuccessFactors or Workday.

Investment from Beglian Baert family office

Now, MobieTrain received a €4M investment from investors like Force Over Mass Capital and the previous investor LRM. Through the investment, MobieTrain targets further improvements of the platform and the international expansion. Also the Baert family office Concentra invested in MobieTrain’s funding round. The Baert family wealth is based on successful companies in the media sector.

Source: EUStartups, 25.05.2021
Picture Source: Element5 Digital

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Last Updated on October 20, 2021

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