Pamera Real Estate Partners | Multi Family Office In Munich

The German multi family office Pamera Real Estate Partners is fully focused on Real Estate topics. The Munich MFO is divided in two main components: Investment Management and Portfolio & Asset Management. As investment manager, Pamera manages the acquisition of real estate properties and develops real estate portfolios. Further, the family office offer exclusive access to so-called “Club Deals” which allows a small amount of investors to jointly invest in specific properties or a small portfolio. As portfolio and asset manager, Pamera represents the owners of real estate during the holding phase. This includes tasks such as tenant and rental management, project development and renovations or commercial topics such as property valuation, reporting or cash flow optimization. The activities of Pamera Real Estate Partners are focused on A- and B-cities in Germany such as Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig, Munich and Potsdam. Further, the focus is on residential and retail properties.

Key facts about the Munich-based Multi Family Office Pamera Real Estate Partners

  • Focus: Real Estate
  • Offered Services: Investment Management – Acquisition, Individual Direct Investments, Club Deals, Commercial Topics, Rental & Tenant Management, Development, Renovations, Refurbishment, Supervision & Facility Management, Sales Management
  • Location: Munich, Germany
  • Further Office: Frankfurt, Germany
  • Executives: Christoph Zapp, Karl Gross von Trockau
  • Website:

Picture source: Roman Kraft

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Last Updated on October 1, 2021

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