Strascheg Single Family Office Invests In Munich-based Startup Mr Beam

Strascheg Single Family Office Invests In Munich-based Startup Mr Beam

Mr Beam, a Munich-based startup, just announced that it raised a Series A financing round. One of the investors is EXTOREL, the single family office of Falk Strascheg.

Mr Beam: working on a new generation of laser cutters

The main product of Mr Beam is a desktop laser cutter with its own software tool. The laser cutter enables designers and engineers to automate the creation of prototypes, e.g. architectural models. The laser cutter can work with up to 30 different materials. Mr Bream II Dreamcut, the main product, is working with a 5W laser beam.

Strascheg Single Family Office EXTOREL invests in Series A

Besides EXTOREL, the single family office of Falk Strascheg and the Strascheg family, also BayBG Bayerische Beteiligungsgesellschaft and some private investors invested in the Munich-based startup. Other investments of EXTOREL include dynamic Biosensors, iTheraMedical or nextmarkets. The Munich family office is also active in philanthropy, for instance through the “Renate und Falk Strascheg Stiftung”.

Source: MunichStartup, 22.01.2021
Picture Source: Levi Midnight

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Last Updated on October 17, 2021

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