FRIBA Single Family Office Invests In Mirai Foods

FRIBA Single Family Office Invests In Mirai Foods

Mirai Foods AG is an innovative Swiss food startup. Now, the company received a $4.5M funding round. Amongst the investors is the Bremen-based FRIBA single family office.

Mirai Foods AG: Cultivating meat

The Wädenswill-based startup is a leading firm in the field of meat cultivation. Through its products, MIRAI can offer “real” meat without the downsides of industrial meat production. The meat produced by MIRAI comes with a significantly smaller environmental footprint and less greenhouse gasses. Furthermore, the company does not need to feed antibiotics or slaughter animals. According to “The Good Food Insitute” there are around 20 startups in the meat cultivation field, the market is estimated at €1.8BN until 2040. Through the recent funding round, MIRAI can accelerate its research efforts.

FRIBA single family office from Bremen

Investors in the recent $4.5M round were Skyviews Life Science, Ulf Claesson, food company Paulig, Team Europe and the single family office FRIBA Investment Beteiligungs GmbH. The German single family office FRIBA has its headquarters in Bremen and Hamburg and comes from an industrial background. The family office invests in private equity, real estate and venture capital.

Source: Transkript, 18.03.2021
Picture source: Leon Ephraïm

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