Cattaneo single family office with reduced profits due to writedowns

Cattaneo single family office with reduced profits due to writedowns

We created this article as part of our research process for our European single family office database. Here, we are highlighting the results of an important Italian single family office.

The Italian Cattaneo single family office reported its 2022 financial results. The Italian family office closed the year with a €4.5M profit, which represents a 50% decrease compared to previous year, where profits were at €10M. The main driver of reduced profits were €14M writedowns of financial instruments.

Cattaneo family office: EsseCieffe Investment

Flavio Cattaneo is a high profile Italian executive. Currently, he serves as CEO of Italian energy firm ENEL. Previously, he was the CEO of NTV, Italy’s first high-speed railway operator and CEO of Telecom Italia. His family office, EsseCieffe Investment, holds shares of Itabus S.p.A., Italo S.p.A., as well as direct holding of solar parks in North West Italy with an installed capacity of 2MW.

Article Source: AffariItaliani
Picture source: Unsplash+

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