List of the 40 largest Single Family Offices Texas [2024 Update]

149,99 including VAT

This list includes 40 single family offices from Texas, thereof 29 with E-Mail address, 37 with executive names. Free updates within one year are included in the purchase price, a preview file is available. The last update of the list was published on June 12th, 2024.

Suitable for mailings: The list contains columns for formal salutation, title, and the first and last name of the management.

This list is based on our list of the 400 largest US single family offices.

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List of 3 large Single Family Offices in Texas

In the following we introduce to you three single family offices that are located in Texas, so you get an impression about what kind of single family offices we present in our list.

1. JF2 Capital Partners (Dallas)

JF2 Capital Partners, that has its office in Dallas, Texas is the family office of Jon Frankel, an entrepreneur who founded and built up two companies that each were sold for more than 100 Million Dollar . He then founded his family office “JF2 Capital Partners” investing in early stage companies in all kinds of industries and lower middle market private equity.

2. Westscott LLC (Dallas)

Carl Westscott, the founder of this family office, has earned his money by managing many well-known companies such as “First Extended Service Corporation”, “Internet America” and “Digital Witness” and also by founding the “Westscott Communications” Incorporation that he sold 1996. Westscott’s wealth is estimated at 200 Million Dollars. His family office invests in a variety of different sectors, such as real estate, energy, technology and consumer service. Private equity investments are overseen by the “Westscott Investment Company”, a subsidiary company investing in lower middle market companies with a focus on tailored solutions for existing management and ownership.  “Paradromics” is the firm’s latest investment. Its a competitor of Elon Musk’s “Neuralink” company.

3. Petrus Asset Management (Dallas)

This family office manages the wealth of the Perot family. It was founded by Ross Perot, the “Electronic Data Systems Corporation (EDS)”, one of the first IT-service firm in the world. The sale of EDS brought him 3.1 Billion Dollars. He then founded “Perot Systems Corporation” whereof his family held 25% until DELL Inc. acquired it for 3.9 Billion Dollars in 2009. Petrus Asset Management invests in companies of every size. The focus is on long-term investments.

dallas family offices

Texas’ most important single family offices in one list

We created a unique database of U.S. single family offices. Since Texas is one of the few hotspots in the American family office landscape, we created a dedicated list of Texas-based family investment firms. The included single-family offices manage the wealth of Texas’ wealthiest families. Our list helps family offices find co-investors, asset managers to raise funds or consultancies, and other companies to acquire customers.

Information included in our list

  • Country of main location
  • Company name
  • Contact data (URL, address, state, e-mail, telephone number, executives)
  • Serial letter columns for mailings (formal salutation, first name, last name of the first executive)
  • LinkedIn profiles of the top management, if available
  • Family information (Name, Estimated family assets in M€, Holding structure)
  • Real Estate Focus (Yes/No) / Real Estate Focus Details / Examples of Real Estate Investments
  • Venture Capital Focus (Yes/No) / Details on Venture Capital Focus / Examples of Venture Capital Investments
  • Private Equity Focus (Yes/No) / Details on Private Equity Focus / Examples of Private Equity Investments
  • Financial assets focus (Yes/No)
  • Renewable Energy Focus (Yes/No)
  • Other focus (art, philanthropy, forestry, agriculture, etc.)
  • Dates of the entry creation, last check and last update

Values may be missing if some data points are not publicly available. The “largest single-family offices” are defined by the wealthiest Texan families who actively invest through investment vehicles and for whom reliable information is available. With regular, free updates and extensions, we constantly improve the data quality. 

Valuable information: family background, contact details, investment profile

Our list is tailored to the needs of our customers. The list of Texas-based family investment firms includes contact details, investment profiles, exemplary investments and family background information. Contact details include general e-mail addresses and phone numbers, postal addresses and website links. We also list the executives, and in many cases their roles and links to their LinkedIn profiles (if available). The list often includes the family names and the estimated net worth of the family. For the investment focus, we give detailed information about real estate, venture capital, private equity and capital market investments.

Disclaimer: due to the secrecy of some family offices, we are sometimes not able to provide you with email addresses or other pieces of information. In case we don’t know the exact investment focus, the specific column is marked as n.a.


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