List of the 30 largest Single Family Offices in Latin America [2024]

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“The best overview of Latin American single family offices as an easy-to-use Excel list.”

The list includes 30 single family offices, thereof 24 with E-Mail address, 22 with executive names. Includes single family offices from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Columbia. Free updates within one year are included in the purchase price, a preview file is available upon request at contact [at] The last update of the list was published on April 24th, 2024. 

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List of 3 large Latin American single family offices

Latin America, consisting of many Middle American and all Southern American countries, is an ascending region with lots of resources and developing economies. As of 2022, measured in GDP, Brazil was the 8th largest economy in the world, Mexico the 12th largest. A side effect of the good economic development of the region is an increasing number of single family offices, managing the wealth of affluent families. In the following, we are introducing three single family offices from the region.

1. Luxor (Brazil)

The Rio de Janeiro-based LUXOR single family office has its root in a hotel opened in Rio in 1917. The Luxor hotels were sold in 2007, which led to the foundation of the single family office. The well-diversified family office invests in venture capital and other asset classes. In 2020, LUXOR launched a vertical to become one of the largest Brazilian regenerative agriculture companies. Through LUXOR Lipizzaner, the family office also actively invests in equities.

2. Maubisa (Brazil)

Amorim Biagi was an Italian immigrant in Brazil, that launched a fast growing company focused on agriculture. Today, besides still beging active in the agribusiness, the Brazilian single family office invests in real estate, private equity and capital markets. Maubisa also supports various social projects.

3. Grupo Auria (Mexico)

The Mexican single family office Grupo Auria is based in La Primavera, a city in the Sinaloa region. Originally, the wealth of the family office is rooted in the agri-food industry. The family officec invests in stocks, private equity, debt and direct investments.

Information included in our list

  • Country
  • Company name
  • Contact data (URL, address, state, e-mail, telephone number, executives)
  • Family information (Name, Estimated family assets in M€, Holding structure)
  • Real Estate Focus (Yes/No) / Real Estate Focus Details / Examples of Real Estate Investments
  • Venture Capital Focus (Yes/No) / Details on Venture Capital Focus / Examples of Venture Capital Investments
  • Private Equity Focus (Yes/No) / Details on Private Equity Focus / Examples of Private Equity Investments
  • Financial assets focus (Yes/No)
  • Renewable Energy Focus (Yes/No)
  • Other focus (art, philanthropy, forestry, agriculture, etc.)
  • Dates of the entry creation, last check and last update

All data points are dependant on public availability.

Picture source: Marcos Paulo Prado (10.04.2024)


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