Single Family Office from Munich Invests in InfanDx’s Series A

Single Family Office from Munich Invests in InfanDx's Series A

German diagnostics company InfanDx AG recently raised a €4M Series A financing round. Amongst the investors is the Munich-based single family office Alluti GmbH.

Novel diagnostic solutions for newborns

InfanDx is working on innovative diagnostic solutions for newborns. Within the upcoming 12-18 months, the Cologne-based firm wants to validate its HypoxE® biomarker panel and develop lab and point-of-care prototype settings. Furthermore, a cloud-based interpretation software for the biomarker panel shall be built. InfanDx’s solutions are based on metabolic biomarkers. They reflect the dynamic physiological and pathophysiological events around birth. The firm plans early-adopter use at major academic medical centers in Europe and the US from mid-2022 on.

Munich-based Bert Bleicher single family office: Alluti GmbH – Smart Invest

Amongst the investors of InfanDx’s Series A are the LSI Pre-Seed Fonds GmbH or Jochen Tschunke. A new investor in the round is the “Alluti GmbH – Smart Invest”, which is the Munich single family office of Bert Bleicher. Alluti invests in private equity deals, impact investments, real estate, mezzanine and financial markets. Bert Bleicher’s wealth is based on the tool distribution company Hoffmann Werkezuge GmbH. Bleicher joined the company in 1996 and brought it to more than €1Bn in revenue.

Source: Privateequitywire, 20.07.2021 
Picture source: Peter Oslanec

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Last Updated on November 18, 2021

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