List of 3 large philanthropy single family offices
Many global single family office care about giving back to society, and thus are pursuing different philanthropic endeavors. We have analyzed our global family office database for philanthropy-related keywords. In the following, we are presenting you three interesting family offices from the list.
1. Flora Family Office Foundation (United States)
The Flora Family Foundation is a philanthropic family office that was created by the Hewlett family in 1998. William R. Hewlett was the co-founder of famous technology firm Hewlett-Packard. The foundation is named after Hewlett’s wife, Flora Lamson Hewlett. The foundation is mainly active in grantmaking and impact investing. Important topics for the family office are, amongst others, climate protection, marine conservation and black maternal health.
2. Van Leer Group (Netherlands)
The Van Leer group is Dutch single family office, that oversees an investment portfolio targeted to support three different foundations and non-profit organizations. These are, in detail, the Bernard van Leer Foundation, the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and the Jerusalem Film Center. The Bernard van Leer Foundation is focused on imprivng the health and well-being of “babies, toddlers and the people who care for them”.
3. BVC Ventures (India)
BVC Ventures is an Indian single family office that mainly invests in jewellery, logistics and tech ventures. The wealth of the family behind the family office is based on BVC Logistics, a leading Indian logistics firm. The philanthropic activities are the firm are bundles within the BVC Foundation, which was founded in 2001. The foundation mainly supports healthcare and education projects.
Based on our keyword crawler
We have built the list with the help of our keyword crawler tool that screens the website of the family offices for target keywords. In the following, we show a general overview of our crawling process, as well as statistics about the respective keywords. We have crawler the family office websites for the keywords:
- philanthropy
- philanthropic
- donations
- foundation
The most often found keyword was “foundation” with over 20,000 occurrences.
Last Updated on January 15, 2025
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