Analysis: 33% of single family offices in Switzerland invest in Venture Capital [2024]

Analysis: 33% of single family offices in Switzerland invest in Venture Capital

We created this article as part of our research process for our European single-family office database. Here, we are investigating the share of Swiss single family office investing in venture capital.

Venture Capital (VC) investments play a significant role in the Swiss economy, providing much-needed funding for innovative startups and high-growth companies. Switzerland has a vibrant venture capital ecosystem, characterized by a diverse range of investors, including domestic and international VC firms, corporate venture arms, angel investors, and government- backed funds. Interestingly, foreign investors play a significant role in Swiss Venture Capital scene. They are attracted by the country’s political stability, strong intellectual property laws, robust infrastructure, quality of life and proximity to other major European markets.

However, in recent years domestic family offices gained more and more importance for the Swiss VC landscape. Switzerland is renowned globally for its high-quality research institutions and universities which produce cutting-edge innovation and technology. This creates a fertile ground for startups particularly in sectors such as biotech, medtech, fintech and cleantech. These startups typically require significant upfront capital to develop their ideas into market-ready products or services, making them ideal candidates for VC investments, also for family offices. In total, 27 single family offices in Switzerland have a Venture Capital Focus. This represents a share of 33% based on our Swiss single family office database.

Swiss single family office with Venture Capital focus: Occident Group AG

In the following, we present a Swiss single family office that is very well suited as an example of a family-owned investment company with a VC focus. OCCIDENT is located in Zug and is well-known as a VC for deeptech startups with a focus on Switzerland and Germany. The family office’s best-known exits include Versantis, Cunesoft and kooaba. The family office’s activities in the life sciences sector make it a very good example of a Swiss family office. As already mentioned, Switzerland is characterized by a strong research sector. As a result, many wealthy families are connected to the domestic research and life science industry.

You might also like the list of the largest European pension funds that invest in venture capital, provided by our partner portal ThousandInvetors.

Picture source: Unsplash+ (02.01.2024)

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