You know a single family office which is (probably) not yet covered in our database? Great – share it with us and earn rewards worth up to 300€!
We are currently updating our European and U.S. database of single family offices, as well as our international single family office database. Hence, we are asking for hints for additional entries. In return for good hints, we are offering coupon codes and free family office lists. The exact reward depends on how useful your tip is for us. We are only accepting hints until the 15th of September 2020.
Please note: we only include publicly available data points or voluntarily provided information by family investment firms in our lists in order to respect the privacy of family offices.
Rewards for Family Office Tips
- Good hint, but already covered in our database (only one per tipper): 50€ discount code
- Good hint, not yet covered in our database: free list of Canadian single family offices (worth 150€, will be released soon)
- +5 Good hints, which are not yet covered in our database: free list of Canadian single family offices (worth 150€, will be released soon) + 150€ discount code
Simply fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page to submit your tip!
€999,99 including VAT
€799,99 including VAT
Submit your single family office hint now
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