Those 3 billionaires have a family office in Benelux

Billionaires Benelux investments

Our database of the largest Benelux single family offices is used by co-investors, consultants and brokers alike in order to get in touch with the wealthiest families in the region. In this article we answer the question of what the investment companies of the richest billionaires from the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg are called and how their investment profile looks like.

1. JAB Holding Company (Reimann family office, Luxembourg)

The Reimann family is one of the richest families from Germany. The family’s wealth is based on the chemical company Reckitt Benckiser. With the JAB Holding Company, based in Luxembourg, the family assets are managed and increased. As a private equity investor, the family office is a significant player in Europe and the world, building a portfolio across the Coffee & Beverages, Fast-Casual Restaurants, Indulgence, Petcare, Pet Health Services and Beauty & Luxury segments.

2. KRONOS Investment Group (Perrodo family office, Luxembourg)

Ebenfalls in Luxemburg hat das Single Family Office der Perrodo Familie seinen Sitz. Die KRONOS Investment Group ist als Immobilieninvestor, Asset Manager und Projektentwickler tätig. Der regionale Fokus der Investmentgesellschaft liegt auf Europa, wobei ganz unterschiedliche Assetklassen bedient werden. In der jüngeren Vergangenheit sind hier beispielsweise Puerta de Hierro in Madrid und Badalona Port in Barcelona zu nennen.

3. Kulczyk Investments (Kulczyk family office, Luxembourg)

The third family office in our series is also based in Luxembourg. It is striking that it is again the private investment office of a person who does not come from the Benelux region. Jan Kulczyk was one of the richest Poles and left his family an enormous fortune, which is managed in Luxembourg. Private equity investments are made as well as investments in funds. Industries covered include road construction, energy and biotech.

Picture source: Cedric Letsch (17.05.2022)

The presented family offices are included in our unique Benelux Single Family Office List. Our list contains the most important investment vehicles of wealthy families from Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, so-called Single Family Offices. These invest in capital markets, real estate, private equity, venture capital and alternative asset classes.

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