Map of Los Angeles single family offices: where the money resides

Map LA Single Family Offices

Los Angeles as the second largest city in the US is home to many top-notch single family offices

With our exclusive database of the largest US single family offices we claim to cover all relevant investment companies of the super rich. Of course, Los Angeles plays a particularly important role here. The economy of California’s largest city has shaped the economic growth of the United States for decades. Many of the richest American families originate from the region and have also established their family offices here. To give you a first impression of the Family Office scene in LA, we have created a map of the SFOs located there. In this article we would like to give you some insights into the map and the Single Family Offices behind it.

Most of the LA-based single family offices are located in Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, Irvine and Santa Monica

Our list of the largest single family offices in California is a part of our comprehensive American database. In a separate article we already present the map of all Californian SFOs. It became clear that LA is an absolute hotspot for family offices. Now we can take a closer look at the distribution of single family offices in Los Angeles. It shows that various regional clusters have been formed. These are located in particular in Beverly Hills and Santa Monica as well as in Newport Beach and Irvine. There are also a few relevant single family offices in downtown LA and Manhattan Beach.

Main focus of Los Angeles single family offices is on real estate and private equity investments

Interestingly, our research on the most important family offices in the USA revealed regional clusters by investment focus. For example, a particularly large number of SFOs from New York are active in the capital market, while most family offices in Silicon Valley act as venture capital investors. For the Single Family Offices in LA, this only applies to a limited extent. The variety of family offices from Los Angeles and the surrounding area is very large. However, it is noticeable that most of the investment companies based in LA invest in real estate and make private equity investments. You can of course find more details in our database.

Map created with Batchgeo

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